

UX Design Best Practices: Complete 2024 Guide

Peter Markovich

Peter Markovich

Senior Front-End Developer, Magento 2 and UX/UI expertise

UX best practices to improve your e-commerce site in 2024

Ever wondered how some websites or apps make you feel right at home, finding exactly what you need without any fuss? It’s all thanks to great UX design. 

Why should you care about UX best practices in 2024? Whether you’re building a website or an app, understanding these best practices in UI/UX design can make a world of difference. It’s not just about making things look good. It’s about making them work seamlessly for everyone who uses them.

In this article, we’ll dive into what makes for exceptional UX design, and why it’s crucial for your digital projects. We’ll consider how you can apply UX design principles and best practices to create experiences that users love.

Let’s make your website more intuitive, engaging, and user-friendly together.

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Understanding UX Design

Let’s break UX design down.

What is UX design?

UX stands for User Experience. It’s all about how someone feels when interacting with a digital product, like a website or app. Think about it— you visit a website and find everything you need smoothly and efficiently. That’s good UX.

Why is UX design important in eCommerce?

Imagine shopping online and getting stuck with checkout because the page is confusing. Frustrating, right? Here’s where UX design can help. 

By following UX design best practices, you make sure your visitors can browse, find, and buy what they require. Good UX design can be the difference between a customer staying on your site or bouncing to a competitor’s.

How has UX design evolved by 2024?

By 2024, UX design has taken some giant leaps. It’s no longer just about making sure a site works well on desktop and mobile. Now, it’s about:

Websites now understand your preferences and tailor the experience just for you.Sites are designed so everyone, including people with disabilities, can have a good experience.Expect more engaging elements like animations and interactive tutorials that make shopping more captivating.

2024’s top UX design trends

We’ve got the inside scoop on the best practices shaping the future. Let’s dive into each aspect to see how they’re changing the game for eCommerce.

1. Simplified navigation

Ever landed on a website and felt like you were trying to solve a puzzle just to find what you needed? Yeah, not fun. 

That’s exactly why simplified navigation will still be a big deal in UX design by 2024. Let’s break down why making it easier to get around a website is essential.

Why simplified navigation?

Simplified navigation means streamlining the way users find what they’re looking for. This is all about ditching the complicated menus and unclear paths for a cleaner, more intuitive design. Why does this matter?

How to implement simplified navigation?

  1. Use straightforward, jargon-free language for menu items.
  2. Highlight the most important pages or sections upfront.
  3. Limit menu options. Too many choices can overwhelm users. Stick to essentials.
  4. Arrange content logically. Think about the user’s journey through your site.
  5. Ensure your search feature is visible, fast, and accurate.

Remember, the goal is to guide users to what they’re looking for with the least amount of effort on their part. So, take a hard look at your current navigation setup. Could it be simpler? More intuitive? If yes, it might be time for a change.

For more insights on interface usability principles, check out our article on the UX audit checklist.

2. Voice user interfaces (VUI)

Voice interaction offers a hands-free, eyes-free way to interact with technology. It’s perfect for multitasking or for those moments when you’re simply too tired to type. According to Google, at least 27% of mobile users resort to voice search. And this number is expected to grow.

Plus, it’s inclusive. It opens up the digital world to those who may struggle with traditional interfaces due to visual impairments or motor difficulties.

The impact on UX design

With VUIs becoming more common, the principles of UX design are evolving. You now need to consider:

Conversational designVoice navigationFeedback and confirmation
Craft interactions that feel natural and conversational, rather than robotic.Ensure users can navigate through menus and options using just their voice.Provide auditory or haptic feedback to confirm user commands.

How to implement VUI in UX design?

Here are some tips:

  1. Know what the user wants. Voice commands need you to understand what users are trying to do, as context matters a lot.
  2. Make it clear. Your voice system should understand different ways people talk and give back clear answers.
  3. Give options. Not everyone likes talking to devices. Have other ways for them to interact.
  4. Think about privacy. Always be open about how you use voice data. People care a lot about their privacy with voice commands.

Using voice commands in your design puts you ahead. It makes digital experiences feel more natural and focused on the user.

3. Personalized experiences

Personalization ensures that when visiting a website, users feel like it is crafted for them. It guides users to exactly what they like or need, without them having to sift through everything else. 

What is more, according to Salesforce, 73% of users expect a website to understand their needs and expectations. This means that personalization is essential to ensuring a high-quality user experience for your customers.

What makes personalization tick?

In a digital world overflowing with options, personalized experiences help cut through the noise. They make interactions more relevant and engaging. By using data, websites can tailor content, recommendations, and even the user interface to match individual user needs.

Why does this matter?

Saves timeBoosts interestMakes you happier
Users find what they’re looking for quicker because everything’s more in line with their interests.Your customers more likely to stick around, come back, and even buy things when the content speaks to them.Feeling seen and catered to improve how satisfied users are with the experience.

How to implement personalization?

Here are some steps:

  1. Collect data about your users fairly. This can come from their settings, what they do on your site, or their stated preferences.
  2. Group users by what they like, do, or other traits to give them experiences that feel right for them.
  3. Use smart systems to show content, products, or services that match what users are interested in.
  4. Let users tell you what they think about your suggestions to make your website even better.

Remember, while making things personal is great, keeping user data safe and being clear about how you use it is key. Always let users have a say in their data.

Learn more about our UX/UI audit process and see what Alva Commerce can do to enhance your site’s UX.

Discover more

4. Inclusive and accessible design

Inclusive design makes sure digital stuff works for everyone, including people with disabilities. This means thinking about those with trouble seeing, hearing, moving, or thinking. When we design with everyone in mind, things get better for all users, not just some.

Why does it matter?

The World Health Organization says 16% of people have a disability. Not making things accessible doesn’t just leave out a few people; it misses out on millions. It’s about including everyone because everyone matters.

WCAG at a glance

The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) are rules for adapting online content for people with disabilities. They focus on making stuff perceivable, operable, understandable, and robust. Following these rules makes websites work better for everyone.

How to implement accessibility best practices?

Inclusive design is about designing with care and respect for everyone’s needs and abilities. By embedding these principles into your UX design process best practices, you make the web a more navigable place for people with disabilities. Additionally, you win those visitors who would have ignored your website, if it wasn’t adapted to their needs.

5. AR and VR experiences

AR (Augmented Reality) and VR (Virtual Reality) are changing how we experience the web. They’re making online shopping more exciting. For instance, you can try on clothes without actually wearing them or look around a house without being there.

40% of consumers are willing to spend more on a product if they can try it out using augmented reality (AR) beforehand. 

Why do AR and VR matter?

Impact on sales

Businesses integrating AR and VR into their online presence are seeing remarkable results:

Increased conversion ratesLower return rates
Users can try before they buy. So they are hesitating less and are more prone to complete sales.With a better understanding of the product, returns decrease. So, you save on logistics and restocking.

How to implement AR and VR?

Here are some main considerations for adding AR and VR to your website:

  1. Focus on what the user needs from the AR or VR experience. Is it to try a product, learn something new, or simply explore? The experience should be designed around these needs.
  2. Just because you can make something complex doesn’t mean you should. The best AR and VR experiences feel natural and easy to navigate.
  3. These technologies can be resource-intensive. Ensure your AR or VR experience loads quickly and runs smoothly. It is critical to keep users engaged.
  4. Consider how these experiences can be inclusive. Provide alternative ways for users with different abilities to engage with your content.

Remember, the goal is to enhance the user experience, not overwhelm it. So keep your AR and VR applications user-friendly and purposeful.

Implement UX best practices in 2024

Let’s dive a bit deeper into how you can truly implement these UX best practices effectively. 

Understand your audience

Test and iterate design

Continuously learn and adapt

Opt for expert help

Implementing UX best practices can be a complex process. Sometimes it pays off to bring in the experts. Alva Commerce specializes in UX design best practices. Our team can provide invaluable guidance and support throughout your project. With our expertise and commitment to your success, you can feel confident that your UX design is in good hands.

Opting for expert help with a UX/UI audit at Alva Commerce brings several key advantages:

To learn more about the latest eCommerce trends in 2024, refer to our dedicated article.

Sign up for a free UX/UI audit consultation and take the first step towards a website that attracts users!

To sum up

In 2024, great UX design is key for websites and apps. It’s not just about looks; it’s about making things easy and enjoyable to use. This means creating clear paths for users, using voice commands for convenience, personalizing experiences, making everything accessible to all, and adding cool features like AR and VR. 

Good UX keeps users happy and engaged, making them more likely to stick around and even buy something. If it all seems a bit much, help is at hand. Alva Commerce’s team specializes in making UX design smooth and successful. Our team is here to help you with best practices in user experience (UX) design.