A B2B Order System For Cockpit3D

Cockpit3D is a company that provides 3D software in the accessories and memorials industry. They create 3D laser-etched images inside of crystals.


3D souvenirs, Retail


Canada, Worldwide

Initial Release


Catalog for CockPit 3D

In need of a B2B order system… and more

To work with various retail partners effectively, Cockpit3D needed special features beyond what you’d expect from a typical B2B platform. These features helped manage partnerships more smoothly for both the partners and the admin. 

The challenge here was handling accounting and overseeing different partnership programs together in one system.

Simplified pricing management 

A key feature for admins was the “Better Groups” feature. This aimed to simplify managing pricing for various partner programs in one spot and keeping track of partner activities.

Easy order submission for partners

For partners, the main goal was to make placing orders as simple as possible. A custom photo editor became an essential tool for achieving this. 

The challenge of creating such a system was exactly why Cockpit3D turned to our team for assistance at the time.


6 months



5 people






Magento 2


Advanced User Groups 

This feature enables system admins to: 

  1. Set different prices for different partner groups 
  2. See which partners are doing great and which ones might be losing interest. 

This way, admins can spot any issues early and suggest new strategies to those partners.

Plus, when starting a new partnership, admins can use an existing group’s settings as a template or just copy them. This means they can quickly set up the new group without having to enter all the details from scratch.

Advanced User Groups for B2B order system

Photo Cropper 

In this business, images are the main product components, so the photo editor needs to be fast and user-friendly. 

The Photo Cropper we developed lets partners upload an image and see how it will appear in the final product. They can easily mark what to keep or remove with just a couple of clicks.

The Photo Cropper for CockPit 3D Step 1
The Photo Cropper for CockPit 3D Step 2

Shipping Estimator

Even if potential partners don’t have an account yet, they can still calculate the rough shipping cost to their address without having to log in. This helps them decide if they’re interested in working with Cockpit3D.

Shipping Estimator 

Advanced API 

It allows resellers to integrate their websites into the system to collect orders along with manual order filling, enabling users to have everything in one place and automating business processes.


The Statistics page is tailored differently for system administrators and partners, highlighting the information most relevant to each:

  • Admins can quickly see which partner had the highest performance in any given month.
  • Resellers can monitor how the cost-to-retail ratio changes over time to tweak their pricing for the best deals.

Moreover, the statistics offer insights into order trends by day and hour. So, partners can plan their staff schedules more effectively to manage workload. They can also keep an eye on how well individual staff members are doing.


Technical stack


Magento 2






Integrations for the Cockpit3D project

Key results

client pain


of customers in two years

client pain


reduce the cost of storing images

client pain


major companies with more than 30 shops each signed


Riyaz Datoo
CEO, Crystallize It Inc

The best feedback would be that they’ve managed to achieve what everyone’s been scrambling to do during COVID-19: pivot to e-commerce. Thanks to them, we’ve seen a surge in traffic on our website. That’s a big deal when all of our physical stores are closed because our site is our main revenue generator.

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