

DevOps Adoption: Top Essential Challenges

Alex Kornyk

Alex Kornyk

CEO, Magento, PHP, and DevOps expertise

Discover the common obstacles in adopting DevOps and learn effective strategies to overcome them.

DevOps is a way to blend software building (Dev) and IT operations (Ops). This blend helps make creating and sharing software faster and more efficient. Today, with tech changing so fast, DevOps is crucial. It helps teams work better and gets products out quicker.

But, starting with DevOps can be tricky. Think of it like learning a new game – it’s fun but takes time to learn the rules. 

In this article, we’re going to look at the main challenges you might face with DevOps. We’ll talk about how teams need to change their ways picking the right tools and getting everyone to agree on new methods.

If you’re starting with DevOps or trying to get better at it, it’s important to know about these challenges.

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Introduction to the typical DevOps adoption challenges

Bringing DevOps into your store’s operations is a smart move. DevOps can help speed things up and improve the quality of your software. But, just like learning anything new, there are a few challenges you’ll face along the way.

We’re going to dive into some key areas where you might hit some bumps. These include changing how your team works together, choosing and learning new tools, reshaping your team, and even getting used to new ways of testing your software. It might sound a bit overwhelming, but don’t worry – each challenge comes with its own set of solutions and strategies to help you overcome it.

Why is this critical for you, as a store owner? Mastering these challenges can lead to faster software development, less downtime, and a smoother experience for your customers.

For example, according to Atlassian, in 2020, nearly half (46%) of the businesses implementing DevOps experienced a decrease in the time it took to release software and services.

Embracing the culture shift

Adoption of DevOps is a bit like bringing everyone together in a team to sing the same tune. It’s all about changing how people work together.

According to Google/DORA Accelerate State of DevOps Report (2023), teams with inclusive, cohesive generative cultures show a 30% higher level of organizational performance.

In the traditional setup, developers create the software, and then the operations team takes over to keep it running. With DevOps, these two groups start working as one team. They share responsibilities and collaborate more. 

But, how do you make this shift in culture?

Foster open dialogueJoint planning sessionsRegular feedback loops
Make sure your team feels okay sharing their ideas, just like in a group chat, where everyone likes to chat.Get the whole team involved in planning. It’s like organizing a group trip where everyone’s input matters.Set up times for the team to give and receive feedback. It’s like having a regular check-in to make sure everyone is on the same page.
Embrace failure as learningEmbrace failure as learning
When things go wrong, use it as a chance to learn and grow, not to blame. It’s about learning from mistakes, not fearing them.Have leaders who back this cultural shift and set an example. They should not only tell the team what to do, but show them how it’s done.

Picking the right tools and training for DevOps

Imagine you’re trying to fix something in your house. You wouldn’t use a spoon if you need a screwdriver, right? Choosing the right tools is crucial. But it’s not just about having the tools; it’s about knowing how to use them. That’s where training comes in.

So, how do you pick these tools and train your team? Here are a few tips:

Also, consult our dedicated article on the best DevOps automation tools for more insights.

Shaping your new team structure

In a traditional team, developers create the software, and then it’s handed off to the operations team to keep it running. It’s like passing a baton in a relay race. But with DevOps, it’s more like a basketball team, where everyone plays both offense and defense. Developers and operations staff work closely together from start to finish. This helps in catching issues early and delivering quality software faster.

Here are a few steps to switch smoothly to this new team structure:

  1. Mix skills. Blend your teams so developers and operations staff work side by side.
  2. Encourage collaboration. Get everyone used to working and solving problems together.
  3. Define new roles. Be clear about everyone’s responsibilities in this new setup.
  4. Train together. Have joint training sessions to build skills across the team.

Adopting this new team structure is one of the key DevOps adoption challenges, but it’s worth it. Developer and operations collaboration leads to better, faster results. 

Think of these steps as building a stronger, more versatile team, ready to tackle whatever comes their way. Check out our dedicated article on DevOps benefits for eCommerce for more info on how your company can benefit from using this approach.

Overcoming resistance to change

Ever tried convincing someone to switch from their old, comfy ways of doing things to a new way? They might resist because they’re used to what they have, even if the new ways are better. It’s similar to DevOps. People often stick to what they know, even if a new method, like DevOps, could make their work easier and more effective.

Recognizing the comfort of routine is key. It’s normal to resist change, but how do you help your team move past this and see the benefits of DevOps adoption? Here’s a plan:

Explain the benefitsTake small stepsListen and address concernsLead by example
Share how DevOps can make their work easier and improve results.Start with little changes before diving into big ones.Understand what worries your team about DevOps and talk it through.Show how the change is good through your own actions.

Remember, part of the DevOps adoption challenges is helping everyone feel comfortable with the change. Once your team sees the improvements, like faster project completion and fewer errors, they get on board. 

Crafting a clear vision and strategy

Starting a big project without a plan is like going on a road trip without a map. You might eventually get somewhere, but it’s going to be a bumpy ride. That’s why having a clear vision and strategy is crucial in DevOps adoption.

A well-thought-out plan helps everyone understand what they’re doing and why. It’s not just about deciding to use DevOps; it’s about knowing how you’ll do it and what you want to achieve.

So, how do you create this roadmap? Here are some steps:

  1. Set clear goals. What do you want to achieve with DevOps? Be specific.
  2. Identify steps to reach goals. Break down your goals into smaller, manageable steps.
  3. Assign roles and responsibilities. Make sure everyone knows their part in this journey.
  4. Regularly review and adjust your plan. Be ready to tweak your strategy as you go along.

By having a clear plan, you’ll avoid many challenges. It’s one of the key DevOps adoption steps. Plus, it makes it easier to see the benefits of DevOps adoption, like more efficient workflows and improved product quality.  

Remember that a user-centric approach should be at the core of your DevOps processes. Focusing on user experience during development leads to a 40% higher level of organizational performance (Google).

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Navigating collaboration hurdles

Have you ever had experience working on a group project where everyone has different ideas? It can be tough, right? That’s a lot like the collaboration hurdles you face in DevOps Adoption. In DevOps, different teams — like developers and operations — have to work together, but they might not always see eye to eye. Their goals can be different, and sometimes they’re even in separate locations.

Here are some practical tips to get these different teams to work together smoothly:

Creating standardized environments

Why is consistency key? Well, it seems less surprising. If you test your software in an environment that’s just like the real one where it will be used, you’re more likely to spot and fix issues early. But if your test environment is different, you might miss something. That can lead to problems when your software goes live.

Here are some tips on how to create standardized environments:

Use the same settingsAutomate setupDocument everythingRegular updates
Make sure development and testing environments have the same configurations.Use tools that automatically set up your environments. This helps avoid human error.Good documentation in DevOps links to a 25% boost in team performance (Google).Keep all your environments updated. This will help you avoid differences that can cause issues.

This is one of the essential challenges. By standardizing your environments, you get to enjoy one of the big benefits of DevOps adoption – reliable, consistent software. 

Resolving tool conflicts

Have you ever worked on a project where everyone wants to use their favorite tool, but they all do the same job differently? That’s a bit like the tool conflicts in DevOps. The development team might prefer tools A, B, and C, while the operations team swears by X, Y, and Z. This can cause confusion, delays, and even errors.

So, how do you get everyone on the same page? It’s about finding a common set of tools that work well for everyone. Here’s how you can do that:

Keeping up with DevOps adoption trends can also help in finding new, better tools that everyone can agree on. Remember, the right tools can make a big difference in how smoothly your DevOps journey goes. Follow the e-commerce trends to identify new tools and tendencies in the market.

Smoothing out release management

Have you ever tried to organize a big event, like a party or a wedding? You know how important it is to get everything right and on time. It’s similar to releasing software. Managing when and how software gets released can be tricky. It’s a big step moving from doing things manually, like sending out invitations one by one, to automating the process, like using an online invite system.

So, what are the challenges with release management? It’s often about getting used to new, automated ways of doing things. Automated processes can release software faster and more reliably, but it takes time to trust and understand them.

Here are some tips to make release management smoother:

Plan your releasesAutomate where possibleTest everythingGet everyone involved
Like planning a party, know what needs to be done and when.Use tools that can automate repetitive tasks. Before you release, make sure everything works. Make sure the whole team understands the release process and their role in it.

By tackling these DevOps adoption challenges, especially in release management, you’ll start seeing the benefits.

Moving from manual to automated testing

Think about washing dishes by hand versus using a dishwasher. Manual washing gets the job done, but it’s time-consuming and not always consistent. That’s kind of like manual testing in DevOps Adoption. It works, but it’s slow and can miss things.

In the world of DevOps, speed and reliability are key. That’s where automated testing comes in. In nearly half of the instances (46%) analyzed by PractiTest, automated testing has taken over at least 50% of the tasks traditionally done by hand

It’s like having a dishwasher – it’s faster, more consistent, and lets you focus on other important tasks. But, how do you switch from doing things manually to using automation?

Here are some steps to ease into automated testing:

  1. Identify what to automate. Start with tests that are often run or take a lot of time.
  2. Choose the right tools. Find testing tools that fit your needs and are easy for your team to use.
  3. Train your team. Make sure everyone knows how to use these new tools.
  4. Start small. Begin with automating a few tests and gradually increase.

Moving to automated testing is a process. It’s one of the crucial DevOps adoption steps that can make a difference in your workflow. Learn more about tools for automating your testing in our dedicated article.

Wrapping up: your DevOps journey with Alva Commerce

So, we’ve walked through the winding path of DevOps adoption, unpacking each challenge you might face as a store owner. From reshaping your team’s culture to mastering new tools, it’s clear that adopting DevOps isn’t just a technology change, but a shift in mindset and practices.

But here’s the thing: you don’t have to navigate this journey alone. Alva Commerce is here to lend a hand. Think of us as your DevOps GPS – guiding you through every turn and bump in the road. We understand the unique challenges that come with implementing DevOps, especially when it’s new territory for you.

With Alva Commerce, you gain a partner who’s walked this path before. We offer expertise and support in:

As you consider the steps ahead in your DevOps adoption, remember that the benefits – like quicker software development and happier customers – are well within reach. And with Alva Commerce by your side, you’ve got the expertise and support to make your DevOps journey a success.

We’re here to help you every step of the way.

Reach out to us for an expert consultation on DevOps.